Sunday 22 March 2020

Starmering To The Grave

No, of course Keir Starmer is not planning to sack the Labour Party's staff. Why would he do that? The founding failure of Jeremy Corbyn's Leadership was that he did not sack the staff, who have since spent five years trying to sack him instead. Starmer is a Messianic figure to them, and he is literally a friend of their parents.

I wholeheartedly support the election of Keir Starmer as Leader of the Labour Party. If that party were to be given a grave, then, like Charlie Chaplin, I would dance around my walking stick upon it. That day is already close at hand.

But nothing would hasten it more than the Leadership of the man whose views on spending, on Brexit and on net zero carbon would lose Labour another 100 seats in Wales, the Midlands and the North, while his record as Director of Public Prosecutions would lose it a BAME Britain to which his supporters among the ageing Afro-Caribbean and South Asian grandees were as irrelevant and even repugnant as their allies and contemporaries in the metropolitan liberal elite and in the right-wing Labour machine were to the former Red Wall.

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