Wednesday 17 July 2019

Bigot Countries

"I invite defenders of Trump to imagine a future progressive president who denounces a Nigerian-born black pastor, or a US-born Arab Christian or Muslim, for their opposition to transgender rights, telling them that this is America, and if they don't like it, they can go back to their bigot countries."

So writes Rod Dreher in The American Conservative. He is talking about something that already happens in Britain. Remember, or Google, Eunice and Owen Johns, who were taken to court by a Conservative Government amid screams of "Go back to you own country if you don't like it" in the comments section of the Daily Telegraph no less than of The Guardian.

That was when it first quite hit me that Christianity was being deliberately reclassified in Britain as "a black thing", in the way that Islam was classified as "a brown thing", an immigrant phenomenon to be tolerated only within very strict limits, so that those who professed it were somehow less than fully British.

And this very day, Guido Fawkes, a major cheerleader for the man who will be Prime Minister this time next week, is castigating Jeremy Corbyn for meeting a leading Haredi figure because those are the "wrong" Jews, being of the view that marriage ought to be between a man and a woman, the man being defined as having a penis and the woman being defined as having a vagina.

When the supporters of Boris Johnson say that they are conservatives, then this is what they want to conserve. Anyone who does not like it can "go home", can "go back to where they came from", can "go back to their bigot countries".

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