Tuesday 4 September 2018

Against Unjust Laws

The response to apartheid last time was the Defiance Campaign, so here goes with the new one.

The foundation of the State of Israel was a racist endeavour, based on the forced eviction, on ethnic grounds, of 750,000 or more people. That does not affect the rights of today's Israelis. It was not even particularly unusual in the late 1940s. But is an historical fact.

Israel is not presently comparable to Nazi Germany, but it is as capable as any other state of becoming so, and it does in fact arm the overt Nazis of the Azov Battalion in Ukraine, as well as having a Russian Nazi subculture within its own borders, made up of people whose families have availed themselves of the Law of Return. And Richard Spencer has endorsed the Nation-State Law.

Some British Jews are more loyal to Israel than they are to Britain. For example, Dame Margaret Hodge MP, Dame Louise Ellman MP, Luciana Berger MP, and Ruth Smeeth MP. Palestinian candidates who hold only British nationality need to be fielded against them at the next General Election, although Marc Wadsworth is first entitled to his choice of taking on Hodge or taking on Smeeth. Lord Sacks is also more loyal to Israel than he is to Britain.

And the adoption of the ridiculous IHRA Definition by the Crown Prosecution Service comes as no surprise to me. The CPS and Simon Henig have an obvious loyalty to each other, overriding any that either of them might have to truth, justice, or the Rule of Law.

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