Tuesday 1 November 2011

Diddly Squat

The Major Government tried to criminalise squatting, too. It would not necessarily be a bad idea, if it were accompanied by the sort of housing policy that no party would countenance since the death of John Smith, unless Ed Miliband can prove me wrong.

But how come it was never quite achieved all those years ago? I even have a feeling that Ken Clarke was the Home Secretary at the time, and therefore responsible, since those were the days before the tacking of half of the Home Office onto the Lord Chancellor's Department created the thoroughly unsatisfactory situation whereby the Secretary of State with responsibility for criminal justice policy always has to be a barrister. Not sometimes is. Always has to be.

Is this squatting thing just one of those promises made every time in order to get out the disaffected core vote, but never actually delivered upon, since the core vote would then have no reason to bother presenting itself at the polls? I rather suspect that it is.

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