Saturday 19 November 2011

Do Not Wake The Elephant

It certainly has no intention of waking itself. In 1996 fashion, the Republican Party has clearly decided to sit out this cycle.

What news items will next November's elections yield? Not the re-election of Obama against whichever of these squabbling fishwives is the eventual nominee. That will not be news. Nor even the equally predictable recapture of the House by the Democrats.

No, the news will certainly be the very broad base of the Democratic Party as expressed in the list of states carried by Obama, and in the backgrounds and views of its Congressional freshmen, with profound implications as much for the party as for the country, if not even more so.

And the news might very well be that Dick Lugar and Orrin Hatch had done a Murkowski and won as write-in candidates against any Tea Partier whom the GOP might officially have nominated instead. If the Tea Party succeeds in doing that. If the Tea Party so much as attempts to do that. If the Tea Party still exists by then.

If they were Democrats (which they never will be, even though Lugar did endorse Obama last time and will presumably do so again), then Lugar and Hatch would be only moderately conservative, or even moderately liberal, by the standards of the Democratic Party that began with Obama's nomination against Clinton, the party on course to make steady progress next year, the party likely to appear in full bloom in 2016 or 2020.

The 2020 Vision? That does have a ring to it.


  1. In America, rural, blue collar and ethnic minority protectionists, isolationists, nativists, misogynists and homophobes unite against liberals and feminists around a "Professor President" who was only ever an adjunct and not ven that for very long.

    In Britain, rural, blue collar and ethnic minority protectionists, isolationists, nativists, misogynists and homophobes unite against liberals and feminists around a "Professor Peer" who is only a Senior Lecturer (second rung of the four-rung ladder) at two merged polys and a "College Tutor" whose very part time job is purely pastoral.

  2. Curse those hicks, proles and darkies. Don't they realise that they exist only to give well-paid political positions to metropolitan, middle-class, white liberals and feminists? Admit it, Anonymous, you are Fleming Kamm, previously known as Break Dancing Jesus, and formerly of Lanchester Parish Council. Only just, mind. We hicks, the proles and even a few darkies nearly got you out the last time before you resigned and fled.

    More broadly, does the rise of Blue Labour and similar tendencies around Ed Miliband mean the rise of a British PUMA movement? Bitter and twisted people yearning for Tony Blair and David Miliband as their American opposite numbers yearn for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Metropolitan, middle-class, white liberals and feminists. Fleming Kamm, previously known as Break Dancing Jesus, and formerly of Lanchester Parish Council.
