Monday, 3 May 2010

Just Asking

Are the polling companies, who these days know exactly to whom they are speaking, and who have always known how to elicit the required response, in the same position as UKIP, or the Greens, or the BNP: wholly unable to afford a second General Election this year?

The difference is that that would make the pollsters desperate to prevent a hung Parliament. Hence their contrivance, and loud proclamation, of an impending Tory overall majority, however tiny. The seven-point lead being reported tonight is one quarter of the 28-point lead in September 2008, when everyone expected the Election to be this time last year. Cameron is a failure before a single vote has been cast.

By contrast, every vote for UKIP, or the Greens, or the BNP, or indeed for Plaid Cymru and possibly also the SNP (although probably not), is at best a vote to make that candidate an MP for a few months before they are unable even to defend their own seat due to lack of funds.

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