Monday 18 January 2010


Not a word about grammar schools. Well, of course not.

I leave it to others to judge whether someone with a Third could deliver an A-level course. But, with some experience of appointing teaching staff in schools, I would take an awful lot of convincing that they could not teach at all.

As with all the effusions from the present "Opposition" about education, this is the dilettante musing of those whose knowledge, never mind understanding, of state schools is absolutely nil.

Yet these are their only distinctive policies, and arguably their only policies of any kind. They are never going to happen. The civil servants, councillors (including Tories), local government officers and trade union officials will run rings around these Little Lord Fauntleroys and the swivel-eyed neocon Crazy whom they have given Education in order to keep him out of the way. So it is not worth voting for the people who have nothing to say on any other topic.

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