Thursday 12 November 2009


Contrary to a rather self-satisfied communication received today, my support for clean coal has nothing to do with global warming, just as my support for the smoking ban in pubs and restaurants (forcing me to forgo to my own occasional Cuba's finest towards the end of the better sort of functions) has nothing to do passive smoking. I no longer go home smelling of other people's smoke, and I don't want those living near, including employed in or because of, pits pr power stations covered in dirt, either. This is not about Mother Gaia, although it is about the Motherland, sovereign and secure. Specifically, where the cleanness of the coal is concerned, this is about the mothers whose husbands and sons have the real jobs necessary for them to do their duty as husbands and fathers.


  1. Sorry - how do mothers benefit from clean coal exactly? Are you suggesting they won't have to do as much laundry, or what?

  2. They won't be breathing in the dirt.

    You have to read the whole paragraph.

  3. What dirt, from where? You do understand that "clean coal" has nothing to do with the amount of "dirt" on the coal, don't you? Pits will be as dirty as they ever were, trust me on this.

  4. You've really done it now Mr L. The common people should have not just jobs but clean air as well. Innes speaks for many who are having a fit reading that.

  5. Pits are not dirty the way they used to be. They are still dirty but not like that. That is called industry Innes. It's a mucky business for us mucky people. Coal is not dug in the dirty dangerous way it used to be either. Nice try. But coal not dole.

  6. If I'm having a fit, Anonymous, it's one of laughter.

    David, clean coal technology is a low-carbon technology. It has nothing to do with clean air for the common people, and everything to do with preventing global warming. Precisely what dirt did you think it was cleaning up?

  7. That may be why you want it, but that's your problem.

  8. Careful Mr L you'll turn him against it. He probably hasn't worked out that any of this employs skanks. He's be dead againt it if he ever realised. We all know that the likes of him only have imported coal in mind too.

  9. From child and slave labour, whence comes the coal currently imported to our island standing on its own.

  10. That's right. The free market in action.

  11. Whatever happened to the party of Shaftesbury and Wilberforce?

    Innes and his kind, that's what.

  12. You do me too much credit, David.

    Anyhow, I'm glad you're in favour of clean coal. It's just a pity that your not very clear what that means, and what effects it will and won't have. But hey, like a hair cast on the balance, your support may very well be the break environmentalism needs.

  13. Wash your mouth out!

    If this is what it takes to re-open the pits, then so be it.
