Saturday, 28 November 2009

Afghanistan Needs A Political Push

To get us out.



  1. Obama is clearly gearing up to get NATO involved in a wider war, almost certainly involving deeper, more aggressive operations along the Pakistan border and the Waziristan no-man's-land. His musings about the possible need for NATO to probe deeper into Pakistan during the '08 primaries were widely reported.

    Any allied forces still in-theatre when those operations begin will definitely be there for the duration: it'll be politically impossible for governments to pull them out, no matter how much domestic pressure is brought to bear on them.

    I fear for our own troops here in Canada: Parliament mandated a 2011 pull-out date, but I'm quite sure Harper will be put under intense White House pressure to violate that commitment.

  2. But then wouldn't all the people in the media who report on the war have fewer opportunities to work or even lose their jobs?

    Pro-worker, indeed!

  3. Hello, I just discovered your blog and must say it looks interesting.

    Afghanistan already has a political push in a form of insurgency. This however is not legitimate from an 'international' perspective. But I feel like it has a lot of legitimacy among the Afghan public.

    However, the insurgency is inferior to the Western forces and thus unable to get them out. The task rests on us to expose the futility and pointlessness of the Afghan campaign and bring the troops home.

  4. "Obama is clearly gearing up to get NATO involved in a wider war"

    He'll be lucky.

    "The task rests on us to expose the futility and pointlessness of the Afghan campaign and bring the troops home"


    "But then wouldn't all the people in the media who report on the war have fewer opportunities to work or even lose their jobs?"

    While a number of them may meet very sticky ends, none of them will ever starve to death.
