Friday 10 October 2008

Power Up America

Says the traditional Catholic, Ron Paul activist, bailout opponent, and Democratic Senate candidate, Bob Conley:

Democratic challenger Bob Conley, running for South Carolina’s U.S. Senate seat, said today that taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street are not the way to revive our economy. “Instead of running up our debt, increasing inflation, and running down the value of our currency with a bailout that has little chance of success, we need a plan that will benefit all Americans without raiding the Treasury,” said Conley.

“Working to achieve energy independence is a goal every American can get behind. It will revitalize the economy and solve many of the problems that currently are dragging down our once vibrant Middle Class,” Conley said. “Energy independence adds real value to our nation by expanding our energy industries, creating new jobs, stabilizing prices, spurring technology innovation, strengthening national security, and providing us with more flexibility in foreign policy,” said Conley.

Conley cautioned, however, that achieving energy independence is doomed to failure if the federal government intervenes with subsidies and tax incentives. “We cannot allow the kind of meddling that caused food prices to skyrocket as a result of federal subsidies for ethanol production,” Conley said. “The proper role of the federal government starts by getting out of the way. For starters – stop blocking oil drilling, natural gas production, refineries, and nuclear power plants,” said Conley.

“The federal government can play a vital role in stimulating clean energy technology innovations and bringing such innovations into mainstream use,” Conley said. “For example, it can mandate – not just recommend – that the GSA buy only vehicles powered by electric, hydrogen or bio-diesel for the federal vehicle fleet, which currently stands at over 642,000 vehicles,” said Conley.

With regard to energy efficiency, the federal government can lead the way by expanding the executive mandate that all agencies phase in energy consumption per square foot by 50%, instead of the current 30%. “This would expand the market for solar and wind solutions, and in some cases hydrogen and biomass solutions,” Conley said.

Conley also said that the federal government can play a valuable role as a clearinghouse that would provide businesses and consumers with decision-making information on all types of clean, renewable alternative energy sources, including cost-benefit analyses, suppliers, and where to buy. “The federal government already has all this information and needs to freely share it with the rest of us,” said Conley. “With the high cost of energy today, nobody needs market-distorting tax incentives to act in one’s own best interest.” Conley said.

Conley noted that all across the country, businesses and consumers are already turning to lower-cost energy alternatives, including biomass. “Everywhere, hospitals, college campuses, manufacturing plants and homeowners are implementing super-efficient wood gasification technology widely used in Europe for the past 15 years,” said Conley. “A big part of becoming energy independent is to stop thinking global and start thinking local,” Conley said.

Conley summed up his plan to ‘Power Up’ America with a diversified energy portfolio as including these essential elements:

• Eliminate the federal gas tax to stimulate commerce across the board
• Remove all restrictions on oil drilling and gas production where reasonably safe
• Remove obstacles to nuclear power plants and refineries where reasonably safe
• Stop market-distorting subsidies and tax incentives by the federal government
• Stimulate the market by buying federal vehicles that use only alternative fuels
• Stimulate the market by raising energy-efficiency standards for federal buildings
• Establish a national clearinghouse of information that can be accessed by the public

“No single fuel source will provide us with energy independence,” said Conley. “With our economy near collapse, achieving energy independence with a diverse portfolio of alternatives is essential as both a near term solution and a long term solution that will ensure our survival as an independent country.”

I even appear to be ahead of the invaluable Right Democrat on this one.

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