Sunday 26 October 2008

From Bullingdon Bull To Bilderberg Bilge

If the world is a conspiracy, then it is a remarkably unsuccessful conspiracy. There is nothing conspiratorial about the Project for the New American Century, or the political overclass that has now taken over all three nominally distinct parties in this country. They are, and have always been, entirely open both about themselves and about how they are connected to each other. It is not their fault that so many people are determined to disbelieve them.

Other such examples positively abound.

In that context, it has been brought to my attention by three different sources, all of them impeccable, that George Osborne is a member of the Bilderberg Group. So there we have it. That, and that alone, is why this fabled body receives practically no coverage. If it will stoop to allowing him into it, then it cannot have anything of any real interest or importance to cover.

Yes, the Bullingdon Club has effectively taken over the Tory Party. So what? That hardly amounts to being a secretive world government. For a few more weeks, the PNAC remains the nearest thing to any world government. And that is anything but secretive.

If the Bilderberg Group were anything more than an over-priced but thoroughly seedy dining and drinking club, then it simply would not countenance some prostitute-frequenting cocaine addict who could not run so much as his own bath, and indeed has never been expected to do so.

The question is now whether the United Kingdom is anything more than an over-priced but thoroughly seedy dining and drinking club, such that it simply will not countenance as Chancellor of the Exchequer some prostitute-frequenting cocaine addict who could not run so much as his own bath, and indeed has never been expected to do so.

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