Friday 3 May 2024

Chain Reaction

Kim McGuinness has won by cheating. On polling day, she put the 2019 General Election result on the frontpages of certain local newspapers, from which it was then widely shared on social media, as if it were an opinion poll result. On that false basis, she claimed that only she could “beat the Tories”. She has won on a lie by paid journalists who were in fact cogs in the right-wing Labour machine.

Add that to the lie that was the media blackout of McGuinness’s racism, coverage of which would have disqualified a candidate of any other faction. In post-War Britain, McGuinness’s victory is the Far Right’s biggest ever. It now controls an area with a population larger than that of 13 European territories that the United Kingdom recognised as sovereign states. If any of those fell under the rule of someone like McGuinness, then there would rightly be international uproar. There should be international uproar in this case, tooThe Labour Right in the North East of England is also a byword for good, old-fashioned corruption. I shall be watching that space, but who else will be?

As a mixed-race person, I am now in mortal danger lest Mayor McGuinness, or one of her staff or supporters, mistake me for a “Gypsy”. The same threat applies to anyone else who was not a pureblood Northern European and who set foot in County Durham, Northumberland, Newcastle upon Tyne, Sunderland, Gateshead, North Tyneside, or South Tyneside. The campaign against McGuinness starts now. I am a candidate for Mayor of the North East Mayoral Combined Authority in 2028, or whenever we could get her out before that.


  1. Everyone knew you'd do this today if she won. Let's get going.

  2. Crack on David. We have a party to hammer proportional representation into. Bit by bit we can achieve this and remind the labour leadership of what the membership voted for.

    1. I am agnostic about PR. The arguments made on both sides are rubbish in their own terms.
