Friday 4 February 2022

No Forbidden Areas

Russia and China have plenty of differences with each other, including in relation to Ukraine, but in any case we need not, and we must not, pick a side in any New Cold War between the emerging Eurasia and some or other rival bloc led by the United States.

Instead, we should be getting what we could out of all concerned, not because we necessarily liked them or minded whether or not they liked us, but because the real world is the real world. Be at the table, or be on the menu. Be on the bus, or be under it.

Every part of this country should be on the Belt and Road, and we should encourage the building of one or more Bering Strait crossings, as part of a wider and deeper realignment with the BRICS and other emerging economies on the understanding that “development is the new word for peace”.

Instead of NATO, we need bilateral nonaggression treaties with all other European countries including Russia, with the United States, and with Canada. We need nonaggression treaties with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and with the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, and preferably with each of their members bilaterally.


  1. You are writing this but it's Liz Truss who's Foreign Secretary.
