Friday 3 December 2021

Red Flag, Royal Charter

People scoffed when I called on Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party to deny Conference accreditation to the BBC. But pretty much the same approach is now being pursued by the direct line of succession to the throne. Is that going to do the Royal Princes any harm?

On the contrary, they have already secured the most grovelling apology that any senior BBC correspondent has ever issued, for material published long before he joined the Corporation. Imagine what standing up to Laura Kuenssberg might have achieved.

As much as might have been achieved by making Ian Lavery Chief Whip and emulating Boris Johnson by withdrawing the whip in one night from 21 MPs including nine former Cabinet Ministers. Three months later, did that do Johnson any harm? As we see from his ongoing pleas to be readmitted to the Parliamentary Labour Party, Corbyn was and is just too damn nice.


  1. I would say prison had hardened you but you've always been like this.
