Tuesday 28 April 2020

States, Rights

The States' Rights movement, if it could ever have been called that, is back. Once again, it is the voice of dissent within the President's own party, and the voice of people who feel that this particular President has betrayed them.

The sense of Southern white betrayal by Lyndon Johnson was to reshape American politics out of all recognition. Who knows what might come of the sense of MAGA-hatted betrayal by Donald Trump?

But there as here, the responsibility of the State to keep us all at least breathing is the same against this as it is against, say, foreign invasion, or terrorist attack, or knife crime, or domestic murder, or gun fights over drugs.

And health and safety at work is an existing legal right. Insist on it. We all must. For all of us. Although I normally eschew such comparisons, the whole shape of the economy is going to be changed by this, just as it was by the War, and it needed to be, just as it needed to be before the War. The Centre is the think tank for this new era. Please give generously.

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