Tuesday 11 December 2018

Take Your French Leave Here

John Wight masterfully reports on the gilets jaunes, who are not backing down even in the face of concessions by Emmanuel Macron, that poster boy for neoliberalism and neoconservatism.

Everyone is united against him and against them, from monarchists to Marxists, of various stripes in each case. He is how these things always end. They are very much of a type: Constantine XI Palaeologus, Bahadur Shah Zafar, Charles X, Nicholas II, Puyi, Mehmed VI, Emmanuel Macron.

Everyone knows that the Right and the Left both have their nasty sides. But until now, through all its economic collapses and its truly evil wars, through all its vicious attacks on the disabled and its assaults on civil liberties, the self-styled "Centre" has been given a free pass.

The real centre ground is the common ground among the opponents of that kind of thing, including many in the older Liberal traditions. It is the common ground among those on the streets of Paris and other French cities. But what are the rest of us to do? Well, think globally, act locally. Another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it.

I will stand for this parliamentary seat of North West Durham, if I can raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign. By common consent, Labour, the Conservatives and I are each on 30 per cent support, so that any one of us could be the First Past the Post. Please email davidaslindsay@hotmail.com. Very many thanks.

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