Tuesday 4 December 2018

Identity Politics

Good luck to Neil Coughlan of Braintree. Electoral fraud is vanishingly rare in Britain, if it exists at all here.

Across all elections held in 2015, there were 51.4 million votes cast. There were only 26 allegations of in-person electoral fraud. There were no convictions. Not one.

Yet we became a different country on 3rd May this year, as people were denied their right to vote because they had failed to present their State papers. Guess which people.

Next up, naturally from The Guardian, we have already had a call for a variation on the literacy tests that the Southern United States used to employ in order to prevent blacks from voting.

Nor will it end there. Unless we stop this whole trend, right here and now. The voter ID "experiment" has failed. Far from being extended,  it must be discontinued forthwith.


  1. Like the requirement to show your passport to prove your eligibility for free NHS treatment, this the necessary corollary of the mass immigration the Left has encouraged into this country.

    With millions of recently arrived migrants living here, many of them illegally, how else are we to know and to trust that all those voting are in fact entitled to vote?

    1. Their grasp of English would be superior to yours, I'm sure.
