Wednesday 5 September 2018

Rendering Unto Caesar

That text means the opposite of what a lot of people think that it means.

Taxes were going to have to go up anyway, and the ways suggested by Justin Welby were already among the more obvious.

It is impossible to argue with his assertion that it is, "an obvious injustice that income from work is taxed at a higher rate than income from capital gains or share dividends," so that instead all income should be taxed on the same basis, just as it was under Margaret Thatcher. So much for New Labour.

And giving everyone 10 grand on their twenty-fifth birthday is the kind of idea that, once it is out there with a sufficiently high profile, is bound to happen, and to happen quite quickly, regardless of who was government.

As of today, giving everyone 10 grand on their twenty-fifth birthday is bound to happen, and to happen quite quickly, regardless of who is government.

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