Friday, 7 September 2018

Moderate This

Yesterday, Tony Blair met the Italian Far Right, in his capacity as a paid agent of the dictator of Azerbaijan.

He has also taken at least $12 million from the House of Saud, and at least $8 million from the dictator of Kazakhstan, including to spin the massacre of striking Kazakh workers. 

Why would anyone be remotely interested in the opinion of this creature? Is anyone remotely interested in the opinion of this creature?

Nick Robinson's encounter with Blair was not an interview. Repeatedly, Robinson told Blair that, "a lot of people still look to you for a lead." Who? Who on God's green earth still looks to Tony Blair for a lead? 

If such people exist, then they need to hear from Blair that he intends to contest at the next General Election the seat at which Jeremy Corbyn was the Labour candidate.

Unless he does that, then, as Gavin Williamson might put up, he needs to go away and shut up. In fact, he needs to do that, anyway.

"He won three General Elections" is no argument. He won three uncontested General Elections, the third of which he would certainly have lost if the other side had seen any reason to make an effort against him. 

And in any case, this is politics, not football. Winning is not the end in itself. Winning is only the beginning.

Having told people not to vote Labour, Blair has already ceased to be a member of the Labour Party, as has David Blunkett this morning, and as did Andrew Adonis earlier this week.

So come on, Blair. Say that you will stand against Corbyn. Or go away and shut up.

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