Saturday, 26 August 2017

As Cause For Withdrawing?

As an anonymous comment puts it:

The Christmas rollout of Universal Credit is happening anyway, so much for Laura Pidcock. And her political advisor is the man who put the kibosh on Mr. Lindsay's call to vote for no Labour candidates for the county council. As a result Labour kept control and the Teaching Assistants are still denied justice. Thank you, Laura Pidcock's political advisor.

Or, in the words on Facebook of my solidly (and quite well-connectedly) Old Right friend, Adam Young, who lives in this constituency: 

Though not of the modern left, though my paths cross with traditional left wingers, I'd much rather have a left winger like David Lindsay who would listen to my concerns (not just the ones he agrees with me) than Laura Pidcock who seems to suggest that because I'm not apart of her ideology, a one I find fundamentally wrong, I have no worth listening to or discussing with. As Jefferson said, "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend".


  1. It was bad enough when council candidates had to be wannabe footballers but 15 years later the MP has to be a wannabe WAG. The kind Adam Johnson gets put away for, by the look of her. Can she get served in pubs? She doesn't look old enough to vote.

  2. Good old David Lindsay, still campaigning to be made Leader of a party that won't let him be a member, and maybe even going to succeed in the next 10 years.
