Wednesday 15 July 2015

Oliver Who?

An extremely high proportion of the very few people who have ever heard of Oliver Kamm are readers of this site, or of Neil Clark's, or of both.

If we both stopped mentioning that financial dependent of Page 3 and of Sun Bingo, then would he die?

When the Hillsborough Report takes down The Sun, and thus The Times with it, then I really am going to set up a fund to keep him in bread and cheese. Please give generously.

No, of course Jeremy Corbyn has not "fled" an interview with Kamm.

Unlike him, Corbyn is a busy man, preparing to come top in the first round of voting for Leader of the Labour Party, to the humiliation of Katie Hopkins in fourth place.

So he has had to cancel some unknown hack whom his office had pretended to book in order to get the pushy, self-important little posh scrote off the bloody phone. It happens all the time.

Has Kamm never had a subject cancel an interview due to having found something better to do?

If not, then he cannot possibly ever have arranged to interview anyone before now, since absolutely any other way of passing the time would be more productive than a second spent in his company.


  1. You should love Oliver Kamm-he despises UKIP more than you do.

    1. I do not despise UKIP, if at all, anything like as much as I despise Oliver Kamm, as I rejoice to do with all my heart.

      His fanboys are off on Twitter. Their hero summoned the man who is the political story of the year, that man had better things to do than to turn up (if he ever even knew that the summons had been issued), and he is therefore "running scared" of a complete nonentity.

      What a funny little private world they inhabit. Oh, well, between the Hillsborough Report and the Chilcot Report, they will soon enough all be dependent on our charity if they want to eat.

      In the meantime, perhaps we should all do as Kamm has done? I hereby announce that I am interviewing Barack Obama, Kim Jong-un, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Pope.

      Or else they are running scared of me. Even though they have never heard of me, and there is no reason why they should have done. Just as Jeremy Corbyn has almost certainly still never heard of Oliver Kamm, nor is there any reason why he should have done.

  2. It's not true, though. Corbyn summoned the JC for a clear-the-air interview with Britain's most widely-read Jewish paper because of the Channel 4/Hamas stuff.

    Then, when he heard Kamm would be the one doing it, he pulled out.

    Kamm was never personally involved.

    But I do agree that no newspaper worth its salt should let politicians choose to be interviewed only by their preferred journalists.

    I don't like Kamm either, but Corbyn needs to be prepared to face people who disagree with him-something the Left often finds uncomfortable.

    1. Corbyn is no stranger to people who disagree with him. Kamm, on the other hand...

      Not a proper journalist anyway (he is a hedgefund trader with a sideline in warmongery), needy Kamm begged Corbyn for a shouting match in the hope that it would make good copy.

      Someone or other booked him just to make him go away, but then Corbyn found that he had some Emmerdale to catch up on. I doubt that he ever even knew about the booking.

  3. For some reason, a few of them avoid him. Ever since Galloway faced him on the BBC and his own radio show, he's pulled out whenever Kamm has been invited on with him.

    He used to avoid Christopher Hitchens as well after the latter thumped him in their New York debate.

    Christopher was incredibly witty and erudite, though, and could reduce anyone to rubble. Whereas I've no idea why they're so scared of Kamm.

    1. Galloway wiped the floor with Hitchens, and all subsequent events have proved him right. If he "avoids" Kamm, then that is just because Kamm is beneath him. I wouldn't be surprised if Corbyn had never heard of Kamm to this day.

  4. Galloway was of course right in his debate with Hitchens. But Hitchens still wiped the floor with him.

    Galloway's atrocious history of on-the-record apologetics for Leftwing tyrants-just makes him easy to discredit. His opponents now just read out a juicy list of his quotes.

    1. Ad they are who or what, exactly? Whereas he is George Galloway. The real, live, actual George Galloway.
