Monday, 13 April 2015

Local Girl Done Bad

I know that Hillary Clinton's ancestors were Stanley miners (there is talk of Lanchester farmhands before the pits opened), that she still has cousins there, and that a street there is named after an ancestor of hers.

But she is still a bloody awful candidate.


  1. She'll be President by 2016.

    It was in 2008 that Pat Buchanan observed that the two main Democrat voting blocs-unmarried women and Latinos-were the fastest rising demographics in America- spelling the end of the Republicans and the end of conservatism. White, married conservative voters-the main Republican voting bloc- are declining.

    Hillary Clinton's campaign video yesterday began with a Hispanic businessman talking in Spanish, a gay couple planning a wedding and a single woman.

    The Democrats are just talking to their own people now.

    They know that constituency is set to become the majority soon, and conservatism is finished as Buchanan predicted.

    1. He no longer quite says that, and in any case paleoconservatism has moved on.

      It's a pity that you have only just discovered material that was written when you were a small child, but stopped reading there. There is far more to read.

      The GOP can't stop her. But the Dems could.
