Tuesday 10 June 2014

British Values


  1. Where is the list of supporters published on 9th of June? Why is there only a yahoo address instead of a domain name? Where is the website? Why are there only 3 followers and 2 of them are you?

  2. People are consulting with constituents and what have you.

    I suppose that there will be a website, but who needs one? I can publish everything in the Review, because I can publish whatever I like in the Review. You must be very young to find that terribly important. Very, very, very young.

    Still, I suppose that there will have to be one, when I have nothing more important to do, such as organising the conferences.

    And those are coming along beautifully. Watch this space.

  3. You are going to need a website as you know, but we appreciate it will be another bloody thing for you to do when after all you can reach your target audience other ways having known them for decades.

    That boy at 08:35 cannot begin to comprehend who and what you are. David Lindsay, lad. The actual David Lindsay himself.

    If that doesn't impress you the problem is your own ignorance. You obviously aren't important enough to have been taught the Legend of David Lindsay.

    Same goes for anyone who doesn't know it: that just proves they are nobodies.

  4. You probably don't know this, but the first thing people Fleet St. bods returning to London from Durham are asked is if they met you. Isn't Any Questions coming from Durham soon? Will you be there? Who is on?

  5. 20th. Next Friday. Yes, I shall be in the audience. A write-up will appear here in due season.

  6. Where is the list of supporters that was supposed to be published on June 9th? We want to see it.

  7. So would I...

    It'll be ready when it's ready.

    But the thing is fairly impressive as it is. And the main work of it is coming along nicely. Very nicely, in fact. Watch this space.

  8. Lindsay fails again. Where is the list you said would be published on 9th June?????

    We are all waiting -- and laughing!!!

  9. It'll be ready when it's ready. But it has never been essential to the project.

    I suggest that you see how many MPs, winnable PPCs, and major donors you can get to sign up to a statement of the recently published views of John McTernan and Dan Hodges.

    There's one for Kamm. And good luck to him.

    Now, if you will excuse me, I have major conferences to organise.
