Thursday, 3 May 2012

The Consequences of Bear-Baiting

Of course the ludicrous "shield" in Eastern Europe is there to antagonise Russia, pre-eminent among the Slavs in their age-old mission of defending the true Western civilisation that is the recapitulation in Jesus Christ and His Church of all three of the Old Israel, Hellenism and the Roman Empire, at least as much against the godless, rootless, usury-based, stupefied, promiscuous pseudo-West as against anything else.

The pseudo-West that powerful forces wish, not only to maintain, but to spread throughout the whole wide earth by force of arms. Many of them have never recanted the Cold War Trotskyism that continues to form and inform their views of Russia and China alike, and quite a few have inherited a tribal Slavophobia in general and Russophobia in particular.

Those attitudes, and the individuals, institutions, organisations and publications that embody and promote them, are our enemies. As George W Bush made clear, Russia is not.

At least, not while she holds her own internal line against those waving either the flag of the Soviet Union or the black, yellow and white of Russian ultranationalism, as well as against the Caucasian Islamists and the National Bolsheviks, which latter's flag is that of Nazi Germany, but with a black hammer and sickle in place of the swastika. How Jew-friendly do their neoconservative backers expect any of those to be?

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the Russians could be mature enough to ignore it? Somehow I can't see the West going to war against Russia any time soon.
