Sunday, 28 February 2010

Enter At Your Own Risk

It is rich beyond Croesus for neocons, such as the website that Straight Left has now become, to complain about entryism. Even when, as in the case of the Islamic Forum of Europe and the Labour Party in Tower Hamlets, the claim seems to be fairly well-founded. That said, the main argument is that most of the new members there have Muslim names. Would they say that about, for example, Jews?

Still, after he has taken either Attlee’s old seat or enough votes to give it the Tories, Tower Hamlets is soon to have a directly elected Mayor who, though blessed with unusual eloquence, is politically a pretty standard pro-life Catholic of the Old Labour variety (a couple of divorces, but never mind), yet is able to win a parliamentary seat by having SWP students distribute leaflets contrasting his traditional Catholic moral views with the views of his New Labour opponent, leaflets in Bengali, a language not read by those students. The most brazenly brilliant and brilliantly brazen political operator in Britain today, and now almost completely free of Trotskyist and other sectarian Leftist ties, in stark contrast to his critics, who actually were such people, unlike him, and who have never recanted one word of those positions.

But in any case, it was David Cameron whose vehicles toured Ealing Southall blasting out in Asian languages that Hindu, Muslim and Sikh festivals would be made public holidays under the Tories. It was his “Quality of Life Commission” that then proposed giving the power to decide these things to “local community leaders”. What else would those figures be given the power to decide in return for filling in every postal voting form in their households in the Bullingdon Boys’ interest, and making sure that all their mates did likewise? To the statelets thus created – little Caliphates, little Hindutvas, little Khalistans, and so on – people minded to live in such places would flock from the ends of the earth, entrenching the situation for ever. Labour Councillors and activists fairly regularly defect to the Tories on frankly communal grounds and are always welcomed with open arms. The present candidate at Ealing Southall is one such.

And let’s not even start about the Lib Dems.

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