Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Food Inflation

Why is anyone surprised (if they are)?

Far from our having grown richer since 1979, we have in fact grown vastly poorer: only a generation ago, a single manual wage provided the wage-earner, his wife and their several children with a quality of life unimaginable even on two professional salaries today.

This impoverishment has been so rapid and so extreme that most people, including almost all politicians and commentators, simply refuse to acknowledge that it has happened. But it has indeed happened. And it is still going on.

Furthermore, a country’s sovereignty, liberty, democracy and identity are all eroded at least as much by that country’s heavy reliance on imported goods, rather than on a domestic manufacturing base, as by any other factor.

The same is true if a country is heavily dependent on imports in order to feed her people, instead of maintaining a thriving agricultural sector, itself characteristically a bastion of strong family ties, and therefore also of strong community spirit.

And the same is true if much of a country’s agriculture, industry or commerce is owned or controlled by persons who are either not her citizens or not resident within her borders for tax purposes.

Our country’s sovereignty, liberty, democracy and identity have been, and are still being, so eroded, an erosion which we must expose, halt, and reverse.

Do something about it.


  1. You're going to walk NW Durham, you know. Either under FPTP or AV, you're in.

    You'd easily be the first past the post, and you'd pick up the second preferences of all the Labour voters, all the Tory voters, and most of those who voted Lib Dem as a protest, which is most of those who vote Lib Dem at all.

    It would be the Lib Dem, and not you, who was eliminated on the first count.

    Roll on 2010.

  2. Oh, I'm not counting on "walking" anything...
