Friday 27 September 2024

Cause To Pause?

Lord Alli has voted in the House of Lords precisely three times in this Parliament, all on 11 September, and all in support of the means-testing of the Winter Fuel Payment.

Still, at least he cannot be a non-dom, since those have been banned since 2010 from sitting in the House of Lords, thereby conceding the point that the whole arrangement was as dodgy as hell.

The abolition of non-domiciled tax status would be a moral imperative even if that abolition did not raise a penny, or even if it cost more than it raised. That abolition would make the United Kingdom uncompetitive with where, exactly?

Those who defend this fiddle do not normally take such a view of people who maintained allegiances to foreign countries, not even when those were purely cultural, such as in relation to cricket, never mind when they involved depriving His Majesty's Exchequer of revenue.

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