Saturday 1 January 2022

Lead Items?

Apparently there is another Labour poll lead tomorrow. It will not be the promised 20 per cent, of course. And it is funny how these things never translate into real votes. When the result at Batley and Spen has been overturned by the courts, then Labour will not have won a Commons by-election under its present Leader.

Feed them into the new boundaries, and these poll leads project only a hung Parliament with Labour as the largest party. The likes of The Guardian openly have no hope of anything better than that. But this year, that would have happened in the natural course of events. If Keir Starmer's change to Labour's Brexit policy had not caused Boris Johnson to call a General Election in 2019.

As it is, the first Thursday in May 2022 will be a repetition of the first Thursday in May 2021, with huge Labour losses of council seats that the party had held or won under Jeremy Corbyn.


  1. Keep hammering home that the 2019 Election was only called because of Starmer on Brexit.
