Wednesday 8 December 2021

Über Alles?

The Progressive Alliance has today become the German Government. Let us see how it works out, a coalition of Greens and Liberals under a figure from the right wing of a vaguely but unreliably leftish party.

Speaking of the Progressive Alliance, how do the Liberal Democrats get North Shropshire under its terms? Labour usually comes second there, including at the last three General Elections. I genuinely do not understand. In the highly unlikely event that the Lib Dems were to win this by-election, then it would be because they had voted against the new Covid-19 measures, especially vaccine passports, not as part of some alliance with Labour, but precisely against it.

And speaking of Germany, it is no surprise that NATO and the EU enthusiastically support frankly Nazi elements in Ukraine and Belarus. Key figures in their foundation included recent Nazi officers. Over the Wall, one of the East German Bloc Parties, complete with reserved seats in the Volkskammer, was the NDPD, specifically for former Nazi Party members and supporters, although it was often observed that there were in fact more former Nazi Party members in the Communist Party than the entire membership of the NDPD.

In 1968, long after East Germany professed to have eradicated all trace of Nazism, the new Constitution still felt the need to commit it to doing so. No one in West Germany even pretended, not really. The obituaries of Helmut Schmidt and Helmut Kohl were as frank as they themselves had always been. And then there was Austria.

The EU gives the frankest of Fascists more power than anything else in the world. They are routinely in the governing coalitions that make up the Council of Ministers, and they are always a bloc in the European Parliament, meaning that they have at least some say over the legislation that binds nearly half a billion people.

Today, NATO membership commits us to the defence of Islamist Turkey, with NATO's own barmy strategic terms making Turkey the second most important member. NATO membership will soon commit us to the defence of Latin American caudillos. And NATO membership already commits us to the defence of assorted neo-Nazis in Eastern Europe. Soon to be joined by the swastika-draped Azov Battalion in Ukraine, and by those who display the white, red and white triband of wartime collaboration in Belarus.


  1. Do you think the Lib Dems could win North Shropshire?

    1. Who knows? What intrigues me is that they are supposed to, instead of Labour. Why?
