Sunday 5 December 2021

Proper Impropriety

It is less of a story now, or at least it ought to be, but if the Downing Street Christmas party had come out last year, then there would have been significant resignations, or at least there ought to have been.

So who, exactly, where the media figures who attended it? Why did none of them feel any need or obligation to tell the rest of us about it? How were they deemed eligible to attend a Downing Street staff event? The cosiness between our rulers and those who are paid a fortune ostensibly to hold them to account is obscene.

Meanwhile, without any criminal conviction in either case, Craig Murray has only just been released, while Julian Assange languishes in Belmarsh. They, of course, are "not proper journalists"; indeed, Murray was told from the Bench that his otherwise imprisonable actions would have been entirely within his rights if he had been one of those. See also here.

And to be a "proper journalist", then you need to be close enough to the Government to be invited to its staff Christmas parties, even in breach of lockdown restrictions that were being enforced very rigorously indeed on everyone else.


  1. Come on, they don't tell us things, that's not their job.

    1. This story will either go away or it will bring all sorts of things crashing down.
