Saturday 6 February 2021

Stop, Funding, Hate

Who is this Femi person? What size of audience would he bring to GB News, if it were to employ him? That is the audience that he is losing it. I suspect that it will be able to cope. 

GB News should broadcast a weekly live and interactive panel programme with Jeremy Corbyn, George Galloway, Peter Hitchens and Nigel Farage, chaired by Andrew Neil. It could charge a lot, and we really would be talking about a lot, to advertise in and around that. You know that we would all watch it.

Is the Project for Peace and Justice too precious? Then someone else on the Left could step up. But Corbyn would be abrogating his responsibilities. He is by far the biggest box office attraction on the British Left, and it is certainly not being given a platform by the BBC or Sky, where viewers must instead make do with Femi. 

Neil also needs to stand ready to bring Sputnik, Going Underground, The Alex Salmond Show and Keiser Report to GB News now that the knives are out for RT. Those programmes cover stories in Britain that no one else goes near. And some of us want to know what it is going on in the Britain where not everyone has slept or snorted with this Femi.

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