Thursday 16 August 2018

Blow That Whistle

If they are going to attack Jeremy Corbyn over his links to the great Mordechai Vanunu, then Andrew Neil has a particular responsibility to speak out.

Also, notice that they are now so irresponsible as to call the PLO "terrorist", something that even the United States has not done since 1991.

They are this scared of being made to pay some tax.

But anyway, if they are going to attack Jeremy Corbyn over his links to the great Mordechai Vanunu, then Andrew Neil has a particular responsibility to speak out.


  1. Israel is a living repudiation of multiculturalism, which is why the Far Left hates it.
    It is the only Western style liberal democracy with women’s emancipation in a region dominated by Islamist regimes, because it uses its immigration policy to prevent Muslims becoming a majority and to maintain a Jewish majority.

    It needs nuclear weapons to deter hostile neighbours who want to see it wiped off the map.

    1. Every sentence in that is wrong. Incorrect, simply as a matter of fact.
