Wednesday 7 October 2015

The Middle of Nowhere

No matter what David Cameron had said at the end of this week's Loony Right Conference, the officially approved commentators were always in place to hail it as "the centre ground" and "the common ground".

It is so because they say so, and they say so because he says so. That was how it worked under Tony Blair, and that is how it works under David Cameron.

How many people with "ethnic-sounding names" have there ever been in the Bullingdon Club?

The protesters outside covered the full range of ages, whereas the far less numerous delegates in the hall were all either elderly, or else very young and almost entirely male.

Why were the plummy, doubled-chinned, fancy-shirted Tory Boys never asked why they were not at work, or why their callow and sheltered opinions deserved to be dignified with the slightest attention?

There would have been no answer to that, any more than to the question of how the moral high ground could have been claimed by a man who had had sex with a dead pig.

It is not cheap, but vitally important, to ask why three children are allowed to remain with such a man, especially since he also has a history of having left them in the pub.

Westminster and Oxfordshire Social Services need to be the first two in special measures.

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