Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Trident: Time To Move On

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Spend the money, at least in part, on defence instead.

What of the latest heavily publicised manoeuvre by the Trident lobby, the members of which are eyeing up their lucrative second careers?

In fact, if this had really happened, then Trident's deterrent value would demonstrably be zero. Not for the first time.

But even accepting that there is any truth in it, since we have bizarrely sent troops to Ukraine (and that without a Commons vote), who could blame the Russians for putting down a marker?

The United Kingdom was not part of the Soviet Union until 1991, nor was any part of this country part of Russia herself until 1954.

We are of no more interest to Russia than we were to Iran, which was the last ridiculous bogeyman.

Unless, that is, we chose to make ourselves of interest.

North Korea? We ought to demand to know, in that case, why our Bomb was so inferior to one that was capable of hitting the British Isles from the Korean Peninsula.

Both parties that are capable of producing a Prime Minister are going into this General Election committed to Trident.

Therefore, neither party could be accused of betrayal if it then went on to cancel Trident.

It would be impossible to say that, "If we had wanted this, then we would have voted for the other lot."

Watch that space.

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