Saturday, 4 April 2015

Sturgeon? Who Asked Her?

The existence of the memo is evidently not under question, beyond what amounts to pub talk or bus stop gossip by Sturgeon and her supporters.

Since she had no part in the leak, she will have no part in the inquiry, which is only into the leak.

If you need to, then take a moment for that to sink in, since a lot of people seem to be having trouble with it.

The inquiry is only into the leak, so she won't even be asked to come to it, nor will she see the findings until everyone else does, probably in redacted form. 

The existence and the reported content of the memo are taken as read.

Is the Scotland Office publicly calling the First Minister at Holyrood a liar? It would appear so. Meaning that no one in the Scotland Office regards anyone at Holyrood as anyone at all.

This whole business had made it obvious that the people who do such things as deal with foreign consulates in Edinburgh do not answer at any level to anyone at Holyrood, nor do they have the slightest real regard for anyone there.

Sturgeon? Who asked her?

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