Friday, 10 April 2015


Non-domicile tax status is not only a distortion of the market by the State to the unfair advantage of the favoured.

It is also a disincentive to invest in the United Kingdom, since a non-dom's earning from such an investment would be taxed here, whereas his earning's from an investment anywhere else would not.

In short, it is anti-business.

As is TTIP.

That is argued, very robustly indeed, by Theodore Bromund, who is Senior Research Fellow at the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom.

On Question Time, Tim Stanley not only defended Ed Miliband, but also began to make the paleocon case against Trident. Any chance of a Telegraph piece, Tim? Something like this, perhaps?

Meanwhile, other than to attack Owen Jones for pointing it out, there has been absolute silence from the usual suspects, who it must be said are often very recently born again philo-Semites, at the nakedly anti-Semitic attack on Ed Miliband by Michael Fallon. Fallon is well-remembered here in the North East, and not in a good way.

This time, why has Fallon not been arrested? Can it be only because no one has made a formal complaint to the Police? Well, get on with it, then. That ought to have happened by now. Fallon ought already to be on bail or in a cell.


  1. I can never decide if you are the most idealistic or the most cynical politician ever. Either way, if you had been a candidate at this election, that compliant would have been made so publicly that so would the arrest have had to have been. I wish you were a candidate, I wish you were an MP, I wish you were our MP. That Geordie Shore reject has a lot to answer for. He'll never be an MP either, but you deserve more vengeance than that.

  2. David would have made a great MP either for Ed Miliband's Labour or as an independent. We need him. I hope his illness that has robbed us of his talent in the House will allow him to serve our country next time and shake the establishment up.

    1. You are very kind, but I shall not be getting better. I shall be getting worse, as I already am. Such is the nature of at least one of my ailments.
