Saturday, 11 December 2010


Do the indigenous Christians of the Middle East eat halal meat? If so, then there cannot be anything wrong with it in principle. It certainly bears comparison with the products of many of our own raising and slaughtering practices.

In similar vein, there is most definitely nothing wrong with financial services that eschew usury. The problem is our failure to reach into our own authentic tradition, thus leaving the way clear for Islam.

1 comment:

  1. Very good points, Mr. Lindsay. It is a shame so many Christians fail to recognize the breadth of the Christian tradition on topics like the ethical treatment of animals as well as social justice, including opposition to usury. Too many people associate Christianity with the liberal tradition, but really, liberalism came out of the Enlightenment, not traditional Christianity (although I would argue many of the better aspects of Enlightenment thought did have their origin in Christianity, for example, the modern support for monogamy in marriage).
