Saturday 5 April 2008

The Real Marxists Are Wide Awake And Running The Show

Thanks to Iain Dale for this pearl from Ed Vaizey:

I never fail to read Simon Heffer's column. I've suddenly realised of course that Simon is a Marxist because his column is exactly the same as Peter Hitchens, who we all know is a former Marxist, and I think they are subversive left-wing sleepers who are trying to undermine a future Conservative government and that worries me, that the Telegraph gives them a platform.

This, let the reader understand, from an heir of Max Shachtman, the man who married Americanism and Trotskyism, and the godfather of the neoconservative movement (with the Ayn Rand the godmother and Leo Strauss the father, both fulfilling Huey Long's prophecy that America would one day produce her own Fascism, but would call it anti-Fascism).

Vaizey, as a member of the Henry Jackson Society, is fully signed up to this legacy. Indeed, several key Shachtmanites are Patrons of that organisation, just as they are signatories to the Project for the New American Century, and just as they infest and surround the Bush Administration. Likewise, the New Labour Project that is Vaizey's and the other Cameroons' (and Nick Clegg's) template was and is nothing other than triumph of numerous utterly unrepentant Stalinists, Trotskyists and fellow-travellers from the Cold War era.


  1. Aaah, if you want real muscular Shachtmanism, you should take a look at Shiraz Socialist.

  2. do you think Ed Vaizey is being entirely serious?

  3. Iain certainly thinks so, Anonymous. These people really are the paranoid. The tragedy is that nobody IS out to get them. Politically, plenty of people certainly ought to be. But they are not.
