Wednesday 8 August 2007

The Sound Of Pennies Dropping?

In today's Daily Telegraph, Simon Heffer rightly discourses at some length about how the preservation and betterment of the countryside cannot be done by the "free" market, while Ann Winterton MP rightly calls on British supermarkets to insist on British, not Brazilian, beef.

Lady Winterton, like her knighted husband and Honourable Friend, comes as no surprise. But is even Heffer turning out to be a conservative after all? In that case, of course, he cannot be a "free" marketeer.

A country's sovereignty, liberty, democracy and identity are all eroded at least as much by that country's heavy reliance on imported goods, rather than on a domestic manufacturing base, as by any other factor. The same is true if a country is heavily dependent on imports in order to feed her people, instead of maintaining a thriving agricultural sector, itself characteristically a bastion of strong family ties, and therefore also of strong community spirit; and the same is true if much of a country's agriculture, industry or commerce is owned or controlled by persons who are either not her citizens or not resident within her borders for tax purposes.

Our country's sovereignty, liberty, democracy and identity have been, and are still being, so eroded. We must all be determined to expose, to halt, and to reverse that erosion.

Are you with us, Simon Heffer?

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