Sunday, 18 March 2018

Target Our Thinking

Why didn't they target girls of Pakistani heritage in Telford? 

Assuming that they didn't, and it is possible that we just haven't heard about that, then they knew that they couldn't.

British Pakistani family and community structures, they would have reasoned, were still so strong as to make that impossible, whereas white working-class ones had very largely collapsed. 

Either of those possibilities should make white middle-class decision-makers think very, very hard.


  1. British Pakistani family and community structures, they would have reasoned, were still so strong as to make that impossible, whereas white working-class ones had very largely collapsed.

    No, we already know why. Have you read the Jay Report or Casey report exposing the rape of 1400 children in Rotherham?

    The reason they targeted white girls was that they don’t dress like women of their community and sometimes even drink alcohol.

    That makes them “white slags” in the view of the Pakistani Muslim gangs.

    1. Given the ages of the girls in question, that is a roundabout way of saying much the same thing.
