Monday, 6 April 2015

What About The Workers?

The idea of the Lib Dems as the party to look after the workers is too ridiculous for words. But the Marxist pitching of "the workers" against "the bosses" says it all about the party that Margaret Thatcher created where the Tories had previously been.

No wonder that the old Tankies and Trots around Tony Blair found it so easy to be the party of "the bosses" against "the workers". But before and after New Labour, such thinking, in either direction, was and is wholly alien and antithetical to One Nation Labour.

Meanwhile, it turns out that Nigel Farage will not, after all, be landing at Thanet and thus becoming King. You read it here first that UKIP would never survive a General Election campaign.

Its only hope of a seat is now that Clacton might be so insurgent as to return a 10-year incumbent whom that constituency has already elected three times. When Douglas Carswell is an MP but Farage is not, then the games really will begin in earnest.

What's that, you say? Carswell is already an MP (well, not technically, but you know what I mean) while Farage is not? Precisely.

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