Friday, 3 April 2015

Shock and Awful

"A Ukip source said Mr Farage had originally intended to warn of the comparatively high proportion of migrants with tuberculosis “but then we realised that HIV drugs are more expensive”."


  1. 60% of those treated for it here, came from abroad. What is the N in the NHS for, then? Farage said a vote for any of those six parties is a vote to give half a billion people an automatic right to a British passport (and thus of course to the NHS).

    There's plainly only one party that still defends the NHS, as originally conceived, in Parliament.

    Mr Farage was, as Peter Hitchens said, the only one in the debate against the six Establishment parties.

    Six against one indeed.

    1. Amateur Hour is over.

      Although even Farage did not talk about giving "half a billion people an automatic right to a British passport".

      He's still finished, though. If UKIP has one seat, then that will be Clacton, and the Leadership Election between him and Carswell will begin. Whoever doesn't win will lead his supporters out of UKIP, probably by Christmas.

      Amateur Hour is over.
