Of the involvement of the completely out-of-control Catholic Education Service in devising the wicked grooming ("Sex Education") programme supported by all three parties, John Smeaton writes:
The Sex Education Forum includes, and is run by, Britain's pro-abortion and anti-family lobby: the Family Planning Association (FPA), Marie Stopes International, Education for Choice, Brook, Stonewall, The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement and British Humanist Association. Regarding the Teenage Pregnancy Independent Advisory Group (TPIAG), I have blogged before about its anti-life/anti-family recommendations on sex education, accepted by the government. I have also blogged how the TPIAG has used the CES's support for compulsory sex education to claim (falsely) that the Catholic Church supports it, too. I pointed out how the CES is not the Catholic Church but a bureaucracy with no doctrinal status.
Oona Stannard and the CES has thus gotten together with Britain's anti-life/anti-family lobby to help draft the government's anti-life/anti-family sex education guidance.
On the persistent rumour that all three main party candidates in this and many other constituencies, and the successful campaigns to secure the dominant parties' nominations in this and many other historically safe seats, have been and are being funded by the FPA, Marie Stopes International (good God, they are still using the name of that woman), Brook, Stonewall and their mates, I pass no comment whatever.
It's true, as you know but are being uncharacteristically coy about knowing. They are funded by the abortion industry and the pederasty lobby. Pat Glass had no union behind her or anything like that, she even has a full time job but was able to campaign successfully for this nomination at her own expense. Or to put it another way, not at her own expense. I'll bet anything you like on it. Do people in this Methodist and Catholic constituency want an MP with that sort of baggage?
ReplyDeleteDonations have to be declared, of course.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the previous comment is quite possibly libellous, and it might be better if you deleted it.
Donations have to be decalred? Oh, what a sweet and simple soul you are...
ReplyDeletePsych obviously has as much political experience as her. Reading his comment I laughed so much that my glasses fell off.
ReplyDeleteDavid and Anonymous, you are nasty cynical people who cannot see what a beautifully uncorrupt country Britain is, with the most honest and financially proper political class in the world.
ReplyDeletePsych is right, those are the rules, they are applied equally to everyone and everyone keeps them anyway. Like the media are balanced and impartial.
She still hasn't been ratified by the NEC. Is she pro-life and pro-family as the Catholic Church understands it? Will the NEC ratify an AWS candidate who is? It never ahs before because it has never been asked to before.
There'll be trouble...
ReplyDeleteI'll bet you anything you like that Pat Glass will be ratified by the NEC, if she hasn't been already.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll bet you anything that there'll be trouble when she is. The Sisterhood and the Mister Sisterhood are very angry indeed about this.
ReplyDeleteIf she gets het up about this sort of thing then she really, really, really doesn't belong in politics.
ReplyDeleteThis is no time for a novice.
ReplyDeleteI don't mean David Lindsay.