Perhaps Nick Clegg does not see why Harry's Place or Douglas Murray, hardly his keenest supporters, should determine who does or does not receive the Lib Dem Whip. Perhaps he does not want to draw any more attention to the matter of organ-harvesting, considering his own party's record.
And perhaps, just perhaps, he sees the extent of the Lib Dem Whip in the Lords as the least of anyone's worries when the main parties in the Commons still include those who lied this country into war in Iraq and Afghanistan (just as much based on a lie, that of Afghan involvement in 9/11), those who are trying to lie this country into war against Iran, and those on the payroll of the most hardline, by no means always electorally popular elements in a foreign and not particularly friendly state, elements with a reasonable claim to the hotly contested title of The Most Viscerally Anti-British People In The World.
In fact, even the most extreme Irish Republicans really only hate other inhabitants of Ireland whom they usually insist are Irish anyway, even the most extreme French-Canadian separatists really only hate other Canadians, and even the most extreme Boer nationalists really only hate other white South Africans, so that, when it comes to hatred of the British simply as such, the heirs of Lehi and Irgun are unique in the world.
Yet their hired help certainly includes eighty per cent of sitting Tory MPs and an even higher percentage of those in the next Parliament, plus an unknown but undoubtedly considerable number of Labour MPs, with a sizeable intake exected this year, although not, with any luck, from two seats in Liverpool. So Jenny Tonge is the least of anyone's worries. Not "no worry". But the least.
On the persistent rumour that all three main party candidates in this and many other constituencies, and the successful campaigns to secure the dominant parties' nominations in this and many other historically safe seats, have been and are being funded by the heirs of Lehi and Irgun, The Most Viscerally Anti-British People In The World, I pass no comment whatever.
It's true, as you know but are being uncharacteristically coy about knowing. They are funded by the Israeli Far Right. Pat Glass had no union behind her or anything like that, she even has a full time job but was able to campaign successfully for this nomination at her own expense. Or to put it another way, not at her own expense. I'll bet anything you like on it. Do people want an MP in the pay of a foreign power?
ReplyDeleteSeriously? Pat Glass was funded by the Israeli Far Right? This should really get more attention - is there some evidence we can provide to prove it?
ReplyDeleteNo one has said that. Jim has been very clever with his sentences. That was why I let up his comment.
ReplyDeleteBut it wouldn't get attention, it's not news. This sort of thing is par for the course. Dozens of Labour MPs are on that payroll, as four out of every five Tory MPs (more in a few weeks' time, whatever they outcome) are known for certain to be.
No, seriously, this would be news. Maybe not everywhere, but in the right places. Seriously. If anyone produces the evidence, then there are certainly places I could get this noticed.
ReplyDeleteThe only people who care about this sort of thing know it anyway, including those whose life's work is shrieking down anyone who points it out.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea who paid for Pat's non-union but successful campaign, which had no apparent staff beyond herself (with a senior full-time job) and her only semi-retired husband.
On this and another thread, Jim has referred to some of the sorts of people who, as I know and as no doubt you know too, do in fact provide such funding by various means that may be described as below the radar.
But whether Pat availed herself of them, I have no idea. You would have to ask her.
You haven't managed to get their funding of 80% of Tories noticed, Ari. You haven't managed to get their imposition of some schoolgirl on Liverpool Wavertree noticed.
ReplyDeleteLuciana Berger is no schoolgirl. But her selection has certainly been noticed, and has had far more negative media coverage than most selections (much, though by no means all, of it local, which may be why you haven't spotted it).
ReplyDeleteAnyway, the direct funding of candidates by the Israeli Far Right has certainly not previously been covered so far as I know, because no evidence for it has previously been presented. As I say, provide the evidence and the story will appear. I promise you. (Fail to provide the evidence, and it won't. I promise you that too.)
By the way, it doesn't surprise me in the least that a well-known local Labour activist was selected to fight a seat for the Labour Party. It needn't take much money or time if they like you. People who knew and liked her voted for her. You need more than money to beat someone people know and like.
On the eighty per cent of Tories, it was all in Dispatches a couple of months ago. CFI won't even publish any accounts. Says it doesn't have to.
ReplyDeleteBerger is Euan Blair's ex, used to chair LFI (a criminal organisation which sells peerages, seats in our very legislature) and, er, that's about it. James Purnell used to chair LFI, and was the Blair's babysitter. How did he ever become an MP, never mind a Cabinet Minister? Well, there you are. And Berger is about 12.
Pat is not a well-known local Labour activist. I have been present while she introduced to leading activists from an immediately adjacent ward who had never met her but whom I had known for 25 years. She has never held party office at Branch, District or Constituency level. Like me, she has never held public office above Parish level. Unlike me, she has only held that since 2007.
Before putting up that time, she and her husband were political unknowns; I had spent the best part of 10 years chairing the Branch Labour Party in the ward where they had lived for decades, and I had never heard of them.
I could go on.
Frankly, I am a stronger candidate.
If she gets het up about this sort of thing then she really, really, really doesn't belong in politics.
ReplyDeleteNo you're not. For a start, you're not a member of the Labour Party, which rules you out of being a Labour candidate anywhere in the country.
ReplyDeleteWhat David says is true, she is not well known either politically or generally. David is. They were desperate for any local candidate because they recognised that this seat was lost without one.
ReplyDeleteThe CLP Chair had said this on Radio 4 and his Chief Whip at County Hall (mate of David's, big mate of his late father's) could hardly discipline him having done the same thing on local television. So much for a safe seat.
If there had been no AWS then there would have been no shortage of politically seasoned, publicly recognisable local candidates, including David who would never have needed to leave the party to give voters here the chance to vote for a candidate who shared their views and values.
Gogid, what the hell are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteGogid really does think that you are only allowed to stand for Parliament with the approval of the Labour Party.
ReplyDeleteOh, I get it now. Bless...
ReplyDeleteYou can only be a Labour candidate if you're in the Labour Party. Of course you're allowed to stand as an independent, or for any other party that will have you. But in NW Durham, you won't win.
ReplyDeleteWell, we shall see about that, you blithering simpleton.
ReplyDeleteHilary Armstrong's majority went down every time she stood except the 1997 landslide. It went down in the 2001 landslide.
ReplyDeleteWatts Stelling took more votes than the fall in the Labour majority last time on a manifesto mostly taken word for word from David's letters to the Advertiser.
Local Labour grandees have been in the local and national media saying that this seat will be lost either with all-women or without a local candidate. That would be an amazing thing to say in a safe seat. Here on the ground people nodded in agreement.
Pat Glass claims to be againt all-women but has still used it to benefit herself.
Labour don't think David is going to win but they are terrified that he will take enough votes to give the seat to Owen Temple or Watts Stelling. They even picked a candidate who was a Catholic, a Lanchester Parish Councillor and left but not too left in the hope of seeing him off. Without David, Labour would be fielding a secular, London, Blairite candidate. Might as well vote for the man himself, a Lanchester Parish Councillor for three times longer than Pat Glass.
This is not a safe Labour seat, it's just that the Tories, the Lib Dems and the media have always treated it as one as part of their cosy carve up of the electoral map. As set out on another post today, David is the torch bearer for everyone disenfranchised by that cartel arrangement.
I'm really excited at being able to vote for someone as clever and erudite as David. I have never had that chance before.
ReplyDeleteToo right, Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteWell, as I said on that other thread, do please get in touch, because we have work to do -
ReplyDeleteThis is no time for a novice.
ReplyDeleteI don't mean David Lindsay.
Hilary Armstrong's majority went down in 2001? That is priceless. You can do it, Mr Lindsay. You must do it. Socially conservative patriots, or "dinosaurs" as Joanne Cash calls us, are willing you on in all parts of the country and from all political backgrounds. We want a man on the inside. There is no representative Parliament until we have one.