Sunday, 17 May 2009

Speak Up

Who should be Speaker, and why?


  1. Frank Field according to the "experts".
    Personally he makes too much of a virtue out of his...well virtue....for my personal taste. Personally Tony Wright would be my choice.

    If Gorbals Mick falls on his sword tomorrow, hopefully with a speech involving Glaswegian abuse, then the Labour Party will be in some way responsible for the whole silly nonsense of dragging a new Speaker to the Chair.
    If Mick holds on until the next election and goes with dignity (sic) then a Tory will be elected.

  2. I'm not really cut out for neutrality.

  3. Frank Field. Because then, for constitutional reasons, he would have to keep his views to himself.

  4. The one thing you people really, really, REALLY hate is the Old Labour Right. Says a lot does that.

  5. "You people"? Who?

  6. You.

    You are not exactly difficult to place.
