Gosh, but the spam fritters have had a busy night! Although nobody reads this blog. Of course.
I'm not going to bother with their obvious and absurd lies, which are utterly unreliable sources' (Straight Left? I ask you!) deliberate attempts at distraction from the real issue.
And that real issue is this: if you neocons over at the Euston Manifesto Group (old Stalinists and Trotskyists), the Henry Jackson Society (old stooges of apartheid South Africa and Pinochet's Chile), the "Centre for Social Cohesion" (merely the person of Douglas Murray) and so forth don't want people to vote for us (and why would you want that?), then what alternative are you offering? Two, soon to be three, parties that you have stolen, but none of which, even then, really suits you? Or a party of your own? If the latter, then where is it?
You tend to try and sell yourselves (absurdly and dishonestly, but there we are) as the voice of public opinion against the elite. Well, doesn't that public opinion deserve an unambiguous voice at the ballot box? Where is that voice, so that no voter ever again faces the prospect of choosing between an Old Labourite, a High Tory and a Lib Dem?
In opinion polls, the determined non-voters are now never lower than 34%, and sometimes as high as 38%, but are factored out for headline purposes. We are trying to reach that huge potential electorate. Are you, the diehard neocons of the same persuasion as Oliver "Vote Tory To Unseat An Anti-War Labour MP" Kamm (who'll never be a Labour MP or a Labour peer after that) and Douglas "Vote Labour Because The Tories' Vice-Chairman Wasn't As Unyieldingly Pro-War As I Was On Question Time" Murray (who'll never be a Tory MP after that), also trying to reach those disenfranchised? If so, then where is your party?
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