Thursday 10 October 2024

Not To The Swift?

Well, at least Taylor Swift got something out of it this time. She got extra security, and Yvette Cooper got concert tickets. That may be corrupt, but at least it is comprehensible. One is normally at a loss as to why Ms Swift would want late-middle-aged politicians from what was, to her, a foreign country in her audiences for any reason except that they had bought tickets like anyone else.

Cooper spent four years Shadowing Theresa May. Did she notice any affinity, or even acquaintance, with the aesthetic of a crack den? Like you, I would have to take Boris Johnson's word for what such an establishment would look like. Although my first cellmate had been ordered by the judge to write a letter of apology to a rival drug dealer whose crack house he had burned down, thereby sending the naked crack hoes screaming into the streets of one of the least salubrious districts of Newcastle. He could not spell, so I wrote it for him. I have no idea whether it ever arrived. But it was certainly sent.