Saturday 9 March 2024


Two is a fairly high proportion of all the arrests that have arisen out of the Gaza ceasefire marches, and today "Tommy Robinson" was arrested for the second time.

The events relating to the Twelfth of July would no longer be tolerated anywhere else in Western Europe, yet they are not cancelled no matter how uncomfortable they make anyone feel, and a lot worse than that.

For the last six years of its existence, from 2003 to 2009, Durham City Council was controlled by the Liberal Democrats, but the Durham Miners' Gala was not cancelled, even though the Lib Dems were and are particularly strong in the ward in which it is held.

And so on.

Some people need to get over themselves. And ask themselves why they attracted the support that they did.


  1. Truss endorsed "Robinson" who had acted in obedience to Braverman, it puts the abuse of Diane Abbott in context.
