Wednesday 13 March 2024


No one should be allowed to give £10 million to a political party, and certainly not someone whose business model was public sector contracts, of which Frank Hester has received £48 million, practically quintupling his investment. Led by a man worth £720 million, and whose wife is even richer, why is the Conservative Party still taking donations? It has no need of them.

Not that Keir Starmer can say anything. Funding by a handful of megarich individuals has been his own method ever since his Leadership campaign, and they do not only want oodles of cash back. They also want policies. They are getting them. Of course, those two come together as, especially, the privatisation of the NHS.

Starmer is also a creature of the centrist media that have abused Diane Abbott on an industrial scale for decades, in one of the numerous examples of the fact that centrism and right-wing populism are con tricks to sell the same economic and foreign policies to different audiences, and that both are thoroughly racist.

Do look up which Labour Party official called Abbott an Angry Black Woman. While there was obviously no connection, if the Forde Report had been published on time, then the case that led to my imprisonment would have been laughed out. The lurid list that that complainant had Counsel read into the record of the court, once my guilty plea was in, was a pack of lies. Sue me. If you think that you have any reputation left, then sue me. In April 2021, it was considered shocking that I had called you a racist. It is now a matter of record that you are one. As I have known for more than 20 years that you were.


  1. You are our Dreyfus.

    1. Well, there are people who pretend to believe in my guilt. But a feature of my case is that there are no anti-Dreyfusards; absolutely nobody at all believes that I am guilty.

  2. Aren't you getting done for talking about it? So, is it a good idea to, know you, talk about it?

    1. As set out in the post, they can bring it on. If they ever do. Their one witness was a suspended copper and he has vanished into thin air.
