Friday 9 February 2024

Significant Limitations

As we see at the inquiries into Covid-19 and the Post Office scandal, a lot of politicians and others conveniently become amnesiacs. We all know how good at that the elderly can be. But in the case of Joe Biden, it does ring true.

And there is Donald Trump's line. "We may both be as guilty as hell of pretty much the same thing, but only one of us has been found too senile to stand trial. Of two men like that, which should be President?"


  1. No, in the case of Biden it's true. Peter Hitchens was on GB News the other day discussing what a good and decent man Biden is by all accounts and how sad it is to witness his public mental decay recently (as evidenced in a news conference where he lost track mid-sentence and couldn't remember who Hamas was). He should not be running for President again.

  2. The people behind him are determined he run again.
